Saturday, September 4, 2010

Do You Need To Take Sabbatical From Work?

Do You Need To Take Sabbatical From Work?

" I have been listening to others throughout my life.Enough of it . Now I want a break and I am going to do what I really want to do".This feeling often creeps into your mind if you have been relentlessly workingtowards achieving something for the sake of acceptance from others.This is where taking a sabbatical from work plays a part.Though some manage to take a sabbatical from work, others simply keep it as a wish and continue to slog for others.Why do people take sabbatical?Is taking a sabbatical really beneficial?What do people do during their sabbatical?

Why do people take sabbatical from work? There are many reasons behind this.Firstly , from childhood man is compelled to walk as per some given instructions, though he wished to do some thing else. At home he had to listen to his parents and at school there were teachers. .That's not all, at his workplace also he kept on slogging to fulfill his boss's likings ignoring his own small wishes. At some piont of time, he feels that 'now is the time that I want to live my life in my terms'. Then he take s a sabbatical from work and does what he wants to do.

Second reason of taking sabbatical from work is the increased financial freedom one has.Since people are having small families and multiple income source, one can afford to have some savings first and then go for a sabbatical. As there is multiple source of income or savings,it doesn't matter if one source is reduced.

Now, let us consider what people do while in a sabbatical. One of the popular options is to pursue a hobby, which he had left way behind.Another option is to learn some thing new like, learning a musical instrument,update oneself in new computer skills or any other field. Also, some follow the path of spirituality. Some other people like togo for a long journey so that they can explore many lands , people there and their customs. Some of them even learn new skills which may give them a new career path.

Lastly, let us consider what are the benefits of taking a sabbaatical.First of all, a person gets a sense of satisfaction because now he is not doing something for somebody else, instead he is now doing some thing for himself.Next, he gets peace of mind.Now, just imagine , when he was performing under pressure,how could he get calmness and peace of mind?On the othr hand, when he is in a sabbatical he is in a different situation.Now he is the master and he can decide what to do and when to do.No deadlines, no targets...

But what about after sabbatical?Definitely, he has to resume his normal routine, but as a different person- a person with different outlook, a person who is refreshed, a person with new exposure and new ideads. He now has constructive thoughts not the negative thoughts he earlier had. Another possibility is, he can even try a new career option!

So what are you waiting for?If you feel that you need to take a break, decide on what to do and chart out what benefits you want to get out of it. Don't forget to plan how you will support yourself financially. If you have done all these homework,simply follow your mind and heart , you will really get refreshed.

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